Administers the group:
Ensures the proper execution of agreements between members, appoints the members of the Technical Committee, decides on the annual allocation of the group’s capacity between members, etc.

Decides on the interests of the group:
Appoints the members of the Board of Directors, approves the accounts, etc.

Monitors the progress of the group’s action plan and its activities:
Consists of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the vice-chairmen, the Managing Director of Assurpol and the Deputy Managing Director.
It prepares the agenda for the Board of Directors and the General Assembly.
It gives its opinion and submits draft decisions to be taken by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly, in particular those relating to the distribution of profits.
The 4 committees
Technical Committee
- Decision-making role
- Defines the characteristics of the standard risks covered by Assurpol
- Carries out the studies required to meet the group’s needs, within the framework of the directives issued.
Legal Committee
- Advisory role
- Examines legal issues of interest to the pool
- Is consulted on the interpretation and relevance of various clauses, on questions relating to the operation of the pool and on monitoring issues.
Engineering Committee
- Advisory role
- Works on engineering issues relating to the environment
- Monitors engineering issues relating to the environment.
- Informs the decisions to be taken by the Technical Committee concerning the delimitation of risks covered by the pool.
Claims Committee
- Composed of at least three member representatives, including two representatives specialised in compensation and one specialised in underwriting.
- The representative(s) of the company underwriting the policy affected by the claim, accompanied by the insurance expert retained and/or the lawyer, if applicable, presents the case to this committee.
Assurpol, guardian of the general interest
represents the group’s position